Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Obama misrepresented Obamacare, pushed it throught in a deceitful way AND it will only get worse for Obama and the Democrats

AND the more people learn about this BAD Legislation the more they will NOT fact they will HATE it....the percentage wanting repeal will grow and put pressure on legislators to either repeal it OR make major changes to it....not to mention the fact that at this point we cannot AFFORD the huge entitlement that goes along with this bill. The case that Obama made for this legislation (which wasn't bought by the American People) wasn't truthful....whether it was what benefits the program would provide or the cost of the program.

Poll: Majority Favor Health Care Law Repeal
Published July 07, 2010

A majority of Americans want the health care overhaul repealed, according to a recent poll.

Rasmussen Reports, which for weeks has been polling on the question, released figures Monday showing 60 percent of voters want the law reversed -- on the high side of the group's results.

The survey, conducted July 1, shows a persistent and deep divide in public opinion over the law, though passions may be stronger on the side of those who want repeal. Forty-nine percent strongly favor repeal, while 24 percent strongly oppose.

Nowhere near as many think there's a good chance the law actually will be repealed. Congress would need either a two-thirds majority to both pass a repeal and then override the presumed veto -- or a repeal-friendly president in the White House in 2013. Just 41 percent of those surveyed think the law is somewhat likely to be repealed. Only 13 percent think repeal is very likely.

The survey of 1,000 likely voters had a margin of error of 3 percentage points.

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