Friday, March 11, 2011

Uncivil Obama!

Where is Obama's civility?????

Obama says US is tightening noose on Libyan leader

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama said Friday that a no-fly zone over Libya to keep Col. Moammar Gadhafi from attacking rebels remains a possibility and "we are slowly tightening the noose around Gadhafi." But he stopped short of moving toward military action.

"The bottom line is: I have not taken any actions off the table at this point," Obama told a White House news conference.

He cited actions already taken, including new sanctions and the freezing of tens billions of dollars of Gadhafi's assets.

'It is in the United States' interest, and in the interests of the people of Libya that Gadhafi leave," Obama said. "We're going to take a wide range of actions" to try to accomplish that goal, he added.

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