Saturday, August 13, 2011

Obama is the one that Needs to Start Delivering...He's the Problem!

Obama is the one that needs to start delivering...he's the problem...he's the one that is not willing to move on any of his positions...compromise to him is having everyone else move to his position...he is THE PROBLEM!..That's exactly why every speech he gives he says the same thing.....And that's just what I told him in my email to him today....And I would encourage everyone to access the White House website and send him the same message...

As frustrated as I was with the debt limit discussion in Congress...Obama and the Democrats are the ones that offered NOTHING!...they are the ones that have NOT passed a budget in more than 2 years....they are the ones that don't appear to be serious or even concerned about the debt....AND Obama is THE LEADER of his party and supposedly the can he now try to escape responsiblity????...He was the one that promised to change Washington...he's made it worse.....

Republicans passed several bills and many like cut, cap and balance would have kept us from a credit rating downgrade...They are's the Democrat led Senate and the President that aren't delivering...

Obama is from hunger..he's pulling at straws...he doesn't what he's doing or what to do and guess what....the American People have his number....

Obama to Frustrated Voters: Tell Congress to Start Delivering

Published August 13, 2011 |

Seeking to exploit Congress's abysmally low approval ratings, President Obama is urging voters to tell their lawmakers they must compromise for the sake of the country.

In his weekly radio and Internet address Saturday, Obama said people are frustrated by the partisan gridlock in Washington, especially after the brutal fight over increasing the nation's borrowing limit that didn't prevent the U.S. debt from being downgraded.

Obama tried to position himself on the side of the public and against a deeply unpopular Congress. But even though Obama's approval ratings aren't so good either, he clearly sees a need to direct the public's anger toward Congress or risk being the target himself as the 2012 campaign revs up.

"You've got a right to be frustrated," the president said. "I am. Because you deserve better. I don't think it's too much for you to expect that the people you send to this town start delivering."

"Members of Congress are at home in their districts right now. And if you agree with me -- whether you're a Democrat or a Republican or not much of a fan of either -- let them know."

The president listed several initiatives he's pushing, including trade deals, improvements to the patent system and extension of a cut in the tax that workers pay to fund Social Security.

"These are all things we can do right now. So let's do them," said Obama, who will repeat his economic message during a three-day Midwestern bus tour beginning Monday.

Republicans used their weekly address to criticize Obama on the economy, particularly government regulations that Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., said burdened businesses and discouraged them from expanding and hiring.

"Clearly, the policies of this administration are not working," said Toomey, one of the lawmakers newly appointed to the congressional panel that's supposed to develop recommendations to cut the debt. "So, what went wrong? Well, a big part of the problem has been job-killing regulations."

Toomey said that America can still thrive, "but first, government has to get out of the way."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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