Sunday, August 1, 2010

Unions and secondarily Obama behind the protests over Arizona's Immigration Law!

These Protests are nothing more than Union Sponsored events to try to stir up controversy...and if I were a union worker I would be PISSED that my dues were being used to bus people to protest this law....all it will do if turned away is give me more competition for the work I have today!.....The union involvement in the American Political system is very troubling....they have been most responsible for making our industries totally uncompetitive in the world market....When the conservatives take back America starting this November we will need to begin to get really tough with the unions...get their wages and benefits in line with private businesses that actually can compete on the world stage. Unions are out of touch with the will of the American People...and that's why they are against the Arizona Immigration Law which is widely supported by Americans.

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